Economic Substance Regulation (ESR)
What is Economic Substance Regulation (ESR)?
The Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) is a set of regulations introduced by the UAE in 2019 to demonstrate that they have a substantial economic presence
Purpose of Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) UAE
The purpose of the ESR is to prevent businesses, typically multinational corporations, from artificially shifting profits to jurisdictions that
Relevant Activities
Entities that conduct one or more of the stated activities will be subject to ESR:
Investment Fund Management
Holding Companies
Distribution and Service Centers
Intellectual Property
A ‘substance over form’ approach must be adopted when determining whether an entity is carrying out any of the Relevant Activities. The assessment is required to be made for individual UAE entities. There is no applicable minimum income threshold.
ESR compliance obligations
UAE entities that conduct any one or more of the Relevant Activities must file a notification within six months of the end of the financial year (FY) on the Ministry
UAE Economic Substance Regulations Reporting
Entities that have earned income from any Relevant Activity(ies) must file a report on the MoF’s online ESR portal within twelve (12) months of the end of the
Whether or not they have met the ES Tests
Details of outsourced service provider(s) (if applicable)
Details of specific CIGAs conducted
Operating expenditure and number of full-time employees for each Relevant Activity
Details of the parent, ultimate parent, and ultimate beneficial owner